Meet 1st Tuesday of each month following the 6pm Mass.
For more information, contact Charlene Kraft charlene.kraft22@gmail.com
Meetings 1st & 3rd Thursday following the 6pm Mass in the basement.
Contact Brian Thompson for more information brian.thompson@countrymark.com
Prayer apostolate for vocations.
For more information, contact Karen Wilkey kewiley@gmail.com
Coming soon
Coming soon
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Coming soon
The quilting group meets in the St. Claire room in the basement of the church.
Quilting times are Monday at Noon, and Tuesday & Wednesday from 8-11AM
Unite serves our youth in grades 9-12.
Visit the Unite page here
Zeal serves our youth in grades 5-8.
Visit the Zeal page here
Community Groups
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Councils & Committees
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